Cheeses of Arachova

Arachova Experience

Local dairy producers keep alive centuries-old traditions and make artisanal cheeses of high-quality, some of which are exported.

Being in Arachova is a great opportunity to try local products and dishes. Arachova was always known for the dairy products that come as a result of the livestock farming that is very common in the region.

Formaela Cheese

It is the most famous Arachova product and according to European legislation, the original "formaela" can be produced only in the area of Arachova. It is made out of sheep's milk and roasted or fried is one of the delicacies served in the taverns of the area.

Mizithra Cheese

The other local product is the "mizithra", a very light white cheese, that is actually ideal for diet.

Arachova is also well-known for numerous other local delicacies like feta, yogurt, trahana, and hilopites which someone can buy at the local shops or supermarkets or taste them in the tavernas.

About Cheeses of Arachova

Last updated: 19 Feb 2021
