Tomato Industrial Museum «D.Nomikos»

Santorini Museum

Contemporary museum dedicated to the industrial production of the traditional tomato paste before the development of the tourism sector.

The old tomato factory of Nomikos in Vlyhada has been transformed into a contemporary industrial museum that provides information about the cultivation, the processing, and the production of tomato paste on the island of Santorini.

The small fruit tomato of Santorini started to be cultivated on the island at the end of the 19th century. It is a product that takes advantage of the morning moisture that holds the light volcanic soil of the island and consequently has not further water needs. Its high sugars make it efficient in the production of paste.

The Tomato Industrial Museum displays exhibits of the Nomikos factory itself that was founded in 1922 in Monilithos, transferred to Vlyhada in 1945, and functioned until 1981. It also provides facts and information about the pre-industrial technology in the production that uses one of the most famous and traditional products of Santorini.

About Tomato Industrial Museum «D.Nomikos»

Last updated: 22 Jul 2020

address Vlichada, Santorini, 847 00, Greece
nearby transportation